Wednesday, October 20, 2004

not exactly worthy of the paper chefs

I had my first somewhat-disasterous cooking experience in a while tonight. I was trying to make basically fake ground beef, potatoes and fried tofu in vegan cheese sauce, which sounds like something you would find on a school cafeteria labeled "cheesburger casserole" but actually tastes pretty good. I made everything and was just finishing the "cheese sauce" when I realized I was out of the most important (indeed indespensible, as I would find out) ingredient, nutritional yeast. So instead of just putting everything away in tupperware and finishing tomorrow after I bought some yeast, I decided that maybe I could morph it into a vegan cream sauce, and started just throwing things in, like majoram and sour cream and all of my potatoes and tofu and beef and such, and of course it tasted awful. It has officially been shelved until I make it to the Whole Foods tomorrow and buy some nutritional yeast and fix it. Bah, I say.

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