Monday, October 11, 2004


Today is National Coming Out Day, so of course there is a Chicago newspaper with this headline:
Gay No More
The article is about a guy making a movie about "ex-gays," people who used to be gay and now consider themselves straight. It is supposed to show, I believe, that homosexuality is a choice and that if people really really wanted to we could all be straight. Gah! It seems like such a travesty to print that story on this day. People seem to be so blocked into this binary notion of sexuality anyway, like there's just no way in the whole world that you could change or (god forbid) not feel like gay or straight really describes you fully, that we have to be just one way foreverandeveramen, and I'm sure articles like that are no help. I mean, I don't really strongly feel inclined to think that sexuality is entirely choice or entirely not, but there's that binarism again that seems to say it must be one way or the other so make up your mind already.

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