Tuesday, October 26, 2004

i strongly dislike Alan Keyes

I don't know what kind of splash this is making in the country at large, but it's this big deal here about who is going to win the Senate seat here, Barack Obama or Alan Keyes. Keyes was in the spotlight a bit back for saying Mary Cheney was a "selfish hedonist" because she's a lesbian. He has also told people that if Jesus were alive, he would be voting for Keyes because he doesn't support gay marriage. Most recent, and perhaps most weirdly, Keyes stated that "incest is 'inevitable' for the children of gay and lesbian parents (from the Windy City Times, www.windycitymediagroup.com)." Huh? Apparently he means that because the children won't know who one of their parents is, they will somehow be drawn to sleep with their unknown and unknowing brothers and sisters. I hate to tell him this, but 1) the world is full of kids who don't know the identity at least one of their parents, and 2) I would assume that a fair amount of children of gay and lesbian parents do have access to that information. What a baldly offensive and unsupportable statement to make! What a jerk.
I believe, in happier news, that today is the first annual intersex day of awareness. Yay for that, it's about time.

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