Thursday, November 18, 2004


I am not a big fan of vegan cheese in general. It tends to be gross, doesn't melt right, tastes nasty when it does melt, is just generally not a good idea. But I caved and tried a new brand I'd never heard of yesterday, and actually liked it! I made a quesadilla last night, and although it was definitely not cheese, it tasted good and I really enjoyed it. It made me really happy for some reason. I wonder if my tastes have just changed to include this new thing? When I started being vegan, I realized that I forgot what certain things, like milk and sour cream actually tasted like. When I do have them now from time to time, I usually don't like them anymore, even though I did before. Strange. So maybe the rest of you would still find this "cheese" super gross, I don't know.
In other news, my roommate told me the other day that a group of people are putting together a dictionary with all of the definitions in limerick form! They are calling it "The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form." You can visit their website ( and submit limericks for appropriate words, or just read other people's limericks. I think this is a very strange but cool idea, probably started by people with waaaay too much time on their hands.

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