Tuesday, November 23, 2004

a few weird scenarios

I was riding the shuttle today, and a radio ad for health insurance was immediately followed by an ad for McDonald's McRib sandwich. The irony did not go unnoticed.
Somewhat more strange was this conversation I had at a lesson recently. My teacher is this very nice little older middle-aged man, slightly prone to somewhat strange analogies. We were discussing tension that I have while playing a particularly difficult exercise when he said this. "So, you get tense when you're doing something difficult. Suppose... Suppose you and I were forced to fight to the death. You'de be pretty tense, right? I think I'd probably win. But if you were forced to fight to the death with a four-year-old, you'd be totally okay, and the four-year-old would be really tense." I was cracking up, but he was totally straight-faced. It was so strange.


Anonymous said...

Ammie, I think you could totally take a four year old. But watch out, because they will throw sand in your eyes.

a said...

Who was this? I had a four-year-old throw rocks at me in poland this summer, but never sand...