Friday, January 13, 2006

i can fly!

Happy things in my life right now:
1) I got my job back for next year with Civic! Which means I have at least a rudimentary plan for one more year before I have to start being proactive about my future.
2) Anna gave me RuPaul's autobiography, "Lettin it All Hang Out", and one of his cd's, "Supermodel of the World," for Christmas. Yay RuPaul! What a funny but sometimes quite insightful person.
3) Also a Christmas present from Anna, another book called "Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers." It's kind of like lesbian history, tracing from the "romantic friendships" of the 1800's to the defining of lesbians (as mannish degenerate inverts, of course) by sexologists in the early 20th century and then through to the 80's (I haven't gotten that far yet). It's fascinating, although I do sometimes feel like the author feels differently about certain things than I do. Still, pretty cool.
4) My playing is quite a lot better right now than it has ever been before, I think. Last week I got through the whole of the hardest piece on my recital (Paganini's "La Campanella"), which I never really believed I'd be able to play, and this week was also quite encouraging.
5) I only have two hours of rehearsal today! Yay!

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