Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I was talking to someone that I didn't really know the other day, and I mentioned that my legs were sore from going to yoga earlier that day and she responded, "Oh, you do yoga. Are you a vegetarian?" I laughed because it was such a non-sequiter/stereotype, but it made me think. I am a stereotype. I guess I knew that, but it hadn't really made any sort of realistic connection in my head. I had a huge urge to respond, "Yes, I'm a lesbian also" but I didn't. Eh. It makes me think a lot about how a lot of the things I do are exactly what people would expect. So the question arises, do I do them because I really want to or because in my head somewhere there is a thought that I should because that's the type of person I am? I'm going mostly with the I-want-to idea, but I'm not discounting the other side of the equation.

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