Friday, January 07, 2005

no vampires here

For a day that started out so well, it certainly got really crappy really fast. At about 10:30 this morning, I realized that an application for for an orchestra that I'm planning on trying out for was due today. I won't bore you with details, but suffice to say that I spent most of my day from then until about 5 trying to get the one-page application and a one-page resume together to mail off, and I failed miserably and will have to mail it tomorrow and have it be late. In the middle of this, I decided to make some tomato soup for lunch as a brief respite. I heated my oil way too much in my rage at the application, and burned the garlic black on contact. Burnt garlic is officially one of the worst things I've ever smelled, and my whole house stinks of it. I tried burning some coffee incense to mask it, but now, of course, it just smells like burnt garlic and incense mixed. I am not looking forward to explaining all of this to my roommate.

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