Wednesday, October 12, 2005

happiness is a good book

I decided to read some Gary Snyder, since Erica (and other people) are always raving about him and I'd never read any. So I checked out The Practice of the Wild based on it's recommendation in erica's last zine, and it's already making me feel all happy and good. I love hearing people saying powerful things that I believe.
"Language teaching in schools is a matter of corralling off a little of the language-behavior territory and cultivating a few favorite features--culturally defined elite forms that will help you apply for a job or give you social credibility at a party. One might even learn how to produce the byzantine artifact known as the professional paper. There are many excellent reasons to master these things, but the power, the virtu, remains on the side of the wild."
-Gary Snyder, The Etiquette of Freedom

1 comment:

erica said...

hell yeah!!!
(surprising that i'd say that, i'm sure... ;)