Tuesday, April 05, 2005

draggin' ass

Well, to make up for the goodness of the first week, I feel really crappy today for no apparent reason. I have a headache, feel kind of nauseous, weak, just generally gross. I had my first drag class today, and I'm already worried it's going to be too much work for me to handle. We have a response paper (1 page) due Thursday, but I have rehearsals practically all day tomorrow and I don't know if I can focus enough to write one tonight. It's bad when you are already stressed out by the second class. But it still sounds cool, so I will probably stick it out. This is probably the last for-fun class I'm going to be taking for a while, and I want to make the most of it. There is a week on the syllabus called "Phallus Week." Now that's my idea of a good time.

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