Tuesday, March 10, 2009

self-publishing is a bitch

Also, did I mention that the cookbook is FINISHED?!? Clove-Minded: A Valentine Cookbook is only a month late, but there are about twenty folded and stapled completed copies in a bag at my feet right now. I think Kinkos screwed me over as I seem to be missing 4 1/2 copies, which is like $25 worth of cookbook that I just can't find and don't know what happened to. And no receipt, so I think I'm out of luck. But anyway... Letting it go. There are recipes for such things I've written about on here, like Creme Andalous, a creamy spanish soup, or basil-feta-pine nut muffins, or--for the adventurous--Habas verdes con queso (lima beans with cheese). There are also things I've never written about here, like tilapia with french cream sauce and sweet potato-ginger-cilantro patties. Good stuff. I have to admit, I've made a lot from this ever since I started making copies because looking through it was making me hungry.
Anyway, the point of this: If you want a copy I made a paypal link in the right sidebar; just send me an email at myammie01@yahoo.com with your address. (Or, you know, contact me at whichever of my far-too-numerous internet contact possibilities you care to use.) This includes people I don't know; I know from statcounter that there are a few of you out there, and this is a perfect time to 'fess up and introduce yourselves. Donations are accepted (it's costing me about $5 for copies and shipping per copy), as are trades, I suppose. I figure this is what credit cards are for (copying all of my favorite recipes and giving them to my friends, apparently), but the print run is turning out to be a bit larger than expected and I can't afford to make many more pro bono copies.
So let me know! I love you all, and I want to make sure everybody can make soy chorizo-potato pastries if they have the desire.

Oh, and thanks to Anna for the cookbook title. She's my resident font of puns :)


annap said...

congrats on finishing. and what a delightful title! however did you come up with it :)

erica said...

oh, you're awesome. i want one, just not till i have a house...oh, houses...(notaboutmenotaboutmenotaboutme)

StarInaPaperCup said...

I'm glad it turned out well! :)

The copy that I saw at the Chicago Diner looked good (the designs, the cut-outs, etc.). I'll definitely buy a copy next time we hang out, especially if it contains the recipe for those adorable little cookies I sampled. :)

Anonymous said...

I've heard good things about lulu.com, but haven't used it.

Alicia Larsen Dabney said...

Yay for finishing!! I'm pretty sure I sent you my address but if you don't have it, please let me know.

Also, I'd love to pay you for the cost of my cookbook or you can pick out something from my Etsy shop if you'd rather trade.

Lauren Eggert-Crowe said...

i totally want one, but i think you knew that! :) yay for self-publishing!

a said...

Oh yes, ummmm, Anna wrote the title. I'll edit the post :)
Let's see... Lulu looks AWESOME but would still cost rather more than Kinkos ($13 instead of $4). I'd have to feel a lot more serious to go that way, but maybe someday I will. Put it on my "random life goal" list.
I have all the addresses here (or will see everybody) except Justin, let me know yours if you want one! And Alicia, even though I am so so tempted to take you up on the etsy offer, your jewelry is way more beautiful (and expensive) than my little cookbook. Consider this a gift :)

Rosiecat24 said...

A thousand times congratulations, Ammie! How wonderful! You just don't even know how tempted I was to ignore you the other day so that I can read your lovely book...and look at the groovy pictures of naked people in soup bowls ;-) Consider it a test of our friendship that I did NOT ignore you nor did I steal your manuscript.

I am more than happy to buy a copy of your book, especially now that you've confessed that the cost of copies has become prohibitive. I love the idea of supporting homegrown art.

Lauren Eggert-Crowe said...

wait, i must be stupid b/c i don't get how the title is a pun . . . .

a said...

Oh, the cookbook title! Sorry :)