Monday, September 04, 2006


It's 4 am... I'm still awake. My mind is full of bullshit. Let's see... I loved Arizona. Even seeing mountains makes me a happier person, so why do I live where they don't exist? It's necessity, I tell you. What else... I had a secret published on Postsecret recently, but I'll never tell which one. It made me feel famous for a moment, but in a totally anonymous way. Damn, it's too late. That's all I have.


erica said...

oooh oooh oooh i always wonder if i know anyone...and i do...woo, i'm famous by association...which is what the whole postsecret thing is about, right, self-aggrandizing fame? oh, wait...

a said...

Oh yeah, for sure! Actually, I think about that every time I look at the site. Obviously (for most people anyway) part of the thrill of sending something in is that fact that it might get put up or might even be in one of the books, so they try to make them as shocking or funny or well-designed as possible. I frequently wonder how many of the secrets (particularly the more intense or funny ones) are actually just made up. I know the few cards I've sent in have been made with this anonymous fame in mind. And there seems sometimes to me to be a certain amount of homogeniety in the way that secrets are presented (in terms of word structure) and I wonder if that's been part of an evolution of people looking at the secrets every week and absorbing the way they're written and incorporating it into their own writing style. I know it's only a sentence or two, but I've definitely felt that when I was writing my own I was hearing many others in my head, prompting what I was writing. Any thoughts?

annap said...

is it a real secret or a made up one?

a said...

Mine, at least, was true if a little cheesy.