Saturday, May 14, 2005


Anna graduated yesterday, which was happy because she's done! but sad because I wasn't there. I really wish I could be in Tucson right now being all happy and carefree, instead of here with lots of homework that I am not doing. I am glad that I won't be here much longer, I've about reached the limits of how long I can stand to be away from so many people and places that I love so much. It's just kind of a blah night, I guess, full of impossible wishes. It refuses to stay warm here for more than two days at a time, and I miss Anna, and I just want something good and comforting to happen to me.

1 comment:

lauren said...

Hey Ammie,

Thanks for your comment on my blogsite. Ironically, the next day that I posted it was a real down day. This grad school thing might have its ups, but when I say I'm getting the hang of it the thing I'm getting the hang of is actually just getting used to how demanding and taxing it all is. So hang in there, you're not alone!
